ISTE 2010 - Google Lit Trips

Monday, September 17, 2012

BLT September 2012

BLT MEETING 9/17/2012

We get good at whata we are trying to do by jumping in, making mistakes and learning from them. Jumping in is fearlessly believing that we can accomplish what we are trying to do and approaching it from the perspective of "I can do this", "this is possible" and "this can create great results".

TED talk - Atul Gawande "How Do We Heal Medicine?" His book: Checklist Manifesto
"We can't know it all. We can't do it all by ourselves.
It's pit crews that we need. " . . . and checklists.

A System needs:
  1. Ability to recognize success and failure. Become interested in data
  2. Devise solutions checklists and pause points
  3. Ability to implement this system
Humility, discipline, team work. Making systems work is THE task of our generation as a whole. In every field knowledge has exploded and we have come to a place where we must have group success. No one person can know or do it all.

Build a check list for Ed Techs.
  • Beginning of year (new teachers,
  • Daily
  • Each term
  • CBT testing
  • PD Classes
  • Endorsement Classes
  • Events - this is what you can expect to see over the year (Report cards, cForum, UCET, CBT,

Do organizations have the best people? No they have the best organization.
  • Treat talent as something that everyone can earn, not that just a few people own.
  • The law of crappy systems trumps the law of crappy people
  • Wisdom is the most crucial talent (growth and learning over time)
  • Encourage people to be noisy and nosy - it promotes wisdom

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