ISTE 2010 - Google Lit Trips

Friday, March 25, 2011

C-forum - Nebo District - March 25

UTIPS - Alpha stage - will not work on IE - upgrade to Google Chrome at least.

Open Office for Kids
Writer (Word), Calc (Excel), Impress (PowerPoint), Draw
13 languages available in many environments apple and pc, FREE
Disk image for MacOS
Educational fonts w/ lines
User levels Beginner, Medium, Expert - Simplified interface and can toggle back and forth between levels.

Nebo is installing in all Elementary School labs this summer. Will run on machines as old as 2006
Open Office .org saves files as .odt or .pdf
Central Region District - All schools have joomla site and all teachers are asked to create and keep up a myuen page.
Carbon School District went to Gmail. Teachers starting to use calendar. Very functional - conversation feature is the best.
San Juan - Rural Schools - Google Docs and forms and office went to gmail. Josh Decker created an observation form in numbers for the ipad.
Google Help site created by Nebo. Monument Valley is using iPods - about a year behind Kearns.
Salt Lake District - All went Gmail and google docs. All teachers have ipads, stem teachers and students have ipod touch. 10HP Netbooks are one to one and they STAY in the classroom - All title I have netbooks primarily used for Utah Write in 5th grade.
You Tube - teared access. Just opening up Facebook. Using Canvas
Alpine District - Trying to move to gmail for 2 years. Should happen before next fall. Skyward. Smart phones/hand held devices usage 600 1st year to 1300 to 3000 (one out of 2 devices will not be owned by the District) $18 to have your device on our network. Looking at 9000 devices - how do you collect $18 from each user? We expect 60% of students will be packing a smart phone or android. Processor on the handheld is better than machines he gave teachers 2 years ago. What are we going to do when it gets here. 4-6 years EVERYONE will have a web device. If they bring it on the property they lose privacy.
Carl: iTunes university - setup teacher account - Using pages to create epub books.
Jordan School District - Bingham High School - one using netbooks, ipads, laptops. Very time intensive for teachers. Wanted to see cost savings of paperless - no texts, no papers, and they want to see which one is working the best.
All students at Kari Sue Special needs have ipads. Doing great differentiation. 39 teachers doing in home instruction.
Going to Google Docs - Google Apps Set up a domain for their school. Go through UEN brokered google so that kids have exclusive rights to their material. If you go directly through Google - material belongs to google. If you use a google doc to write a book, they own half. USE THE AGREEMENT BROCKERED BY UEN.
Davis - Netbooks - Dell does the image $320 Intell tablet PC "Classmate" - they may work a deal. Piloting and want to open a new junior high with one to one device. Training involves not just teaching the teachers how to use the device, but teaching the teachers how to teach using one to one devices. Went with Google apps district wide. Teachers and students have gmail. Docs, calendar, mail, employees chat.
Creating DESK modes. They are assembling resources for teachers Trish - online curriculum (student out for a week - they can get on). Looking at Blackboard to house it.
Alpine Facebook - after about 15 minutes every student was saying - don't open it up - save us from ourselves

Alpine Experience: Smart phones you can get 45 on an access point - netbooks 17-18 - do not know why????

You can turn Google Surveys into tests using Flubaroo
Flubaroo - embed answer key in a Google Form (survey) and it turns it into a test.

Typing 15 cents per student - Typing Pal Online
Brainpop will be offering state wide pricing. If you want this trial extended let Rick Gaisford know.
Democrasoft - Start a discussion, comment and vote etc. very collaborative.
Classroom 2.0 can create your own page.

Nebo data apps created to share testing information.

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